Love me like I want you to

Sometimes you just wish you could change the way things are, but sometimes you just can't. Its not that you did something wrong, its not that something is wrong with you, its just that sometimes there just isn't enough of the kind of love that you want.

Being thankful for the love that you do have can be hard. But you have to try because its either that or nothing. And by "you" I generally mean me.


  1. Ugh....this is the worst. THE worst. I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way at all. My boyfriend was talking about you last night. He's very worried about "your friend in Wyoming who needs to move to Nebraska." Why Nebraska, you as? No idea. Apparently he thinks there are good guys there? There's a guy who he works with in Texas he wanted to set you up with. My first tall is he? Answer, "I don't know, a couple inches shorter than me." Yep. No dice. He's going to keep looking!


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