Insta-friday #2

[Linking up  with Jeannett at Life Rearranged]

life rearranged
Well, I'm please to report that I'm getting better at this Instagram thing, after I called my little sister and had her explain #hashtags to me. I know I'm unwise beyond my years. And one thing I learned last week on #hashtags, one must be careful, they might be misunderstood.

So what's been on my Instagram lately?

Hashtags here included #oklahomaorbust #mrandmrs #weddingcrashers #crapstablecallingmyname
and where is the confusion you ask?

Hashtags for these worn out tenny runners....#stretchingthelegs #longlegproblems #oklahomaorbust

#turboprop #goodbyeoklahoma

#bringyourownpumpkin #scary #halloween and I apparently wasn't feeling very creative on Halloween Eve.

What's on your Instagram?


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