[Soul Food Friday] #21.6 Letters to a Soldier: It's a fact, JACK!

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This week so many things feed my soul. The fact that we live in a free country, thanks to so many who have sacrificed so much. Friends that really come through. Friends of friends that come through. Thankfulness, gratefulness, honesty, creativity, love, kiddos and Duck Dynasty!

We are thankful for the many, many soldiers past, present and future that selflessly serve our great country and protect our freedoms, and that's a fact, JACK! After the initial Duck Dynasty edition of Letters to a Solider, I received a request for DD care packages for a whole unit that had been deployed. I was a little nervous about "adopting" a whole unit, even if is only for one project, so I "enlisted" a bunch of friends to help me. I knew I had good friends, but this Operation Duck Dynasty proved to me that not only do I have good great friends, but the friends of my friends are great!

I want to give a HUGE shoutout to everyone who helped me with this project, some are fellow bloggers, check 'em out! Some aren't so you won't have a chance to stalk them without being too creepy (better wear your camo!) Thank you, thank you, thank you to Football Fan, Alaskan Mom, Prairie Princess, Oklahoma Girl, Taco Bell Date, Super Mom, Pit Crew Momma, Music Man, Little Sister, FSA Dee. Everyone donated items, money, and time to this project. They crafted, they shopped, they wrote letters, they are awesome! We even had one kiddo use this for one of his community service projects for his 4-H club. I cannot express how much I appreciate each person and all the help that they gave to make this project become a reality.

So what flew overseas this time?

We tried to put quotes on everything because, well lets be honest, those one liners are what makes Duck Dynasty so incredibly awesome! So we have:
  • Uncle Si's tea glass w/ sweet tea - "Help me, I falled and dropped my tea!" Si
  • Donuts - "Hey! the difference between hot and cold donuts, I can eat 6 cold ones and 48 hot ones, that's the difference" Si
  • Duck Dynasty t-shirt - "Do we look like beauty contestants to you?" Si
  • Beards - "Fear the Beard"
  • Nerf guns - " Redneck law. Must have gun. Must shoot regularly." Willie
  • Rubber ducks - "Ducks are like women, they don't like mud on their butts." Phil
  • And of course each soldier had a personalized letter waiting for them

  • Shotgun shells filled with goodies -  "Where I live, I am 911" Phil
  • Acorn snacks - " Squirrel brains, that's where you get your smarts" Miss Kay
  •  Let's Go Fishin' Game - "Better a days catch of fish than a lifetime of crabs" Phil
  • Go Fish and playing cards - "I'm fixin' to old school you boys" Si
  • Summer sausage -  "Forget the chicken and steak, squirrel, duck or gumbo, I'm telling ya, ya can't go wrong" Jep
  • and we can't forget a bunch of other snacks and goodies to tide them over between MREs


  1. Oh my goodness - those turned out so well!!! I love the one-liners.

    Well done - great coodination! Your soul is rich, my friend.


  2. This is just the best. I know all of the work and time and money that you put into it, so thank you for that! I can't wait to hear the soldiers' reactions!!


  3. Thank you for putting it all together-they turned out great! Hope they enjoy them :)

  4. Looks like it was a SUCCESS!! The 4-H club members really enjoyed participating.

  5. You rock Jen! So genuine and creative! Thank you for picking up the slack!

  6. I love what you did! And thank you for all you do!


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