Facebook superstar

We all spend too much time on FB, that is correct, I'm including you in this we.....I don't want to be alone so I automatically group everyone into the "too much time on FB" group. Sorry if I offend. I recently "liked" American Cattlemen on FB because of this photo that was shared on my newsfeed.

If you don't think this photo is awesome, well then we just probably can't be friends anymore. So anyway, I had to like American Cattlemen on FB after this photo and now my newsfeed is filled with awesome ag pictures all day......and I love it! There sure are a lot of talented ag folks out there!!! I've included a few of my favorites from stalking browsing the American Cattlemen page. Obviously I didn't take any of these and have done my best to give credit to the photographer. All of the pics are from the American Cattlemen FB page from followers. I look forward to seeing new pictures posted to their page each day....it just might be the Pinterest of Facebook.

Photo by Candi Grubbs

Photo by Susan Williams
Photo by J Lazy S Ranch


  1. First, I love the Cattlemens picture! Second, all those pictures you shared are amazing.
    I hope we can still be friends.... ;)

  2. I'm gonna like them just because I need to see pictures like this every day!

  3. HA! That's a WAY better picture for hump day than the camel! Love it!


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