#29.8: hair-on hide stools

Music man made me pine stools to match my coffee table that I got for Christmas. It probably nearly killed him to do OSU on here....he's a die hard Wyoming fan.

So I decided that there were a few Pinterest projects that I wanted to give a try with hair-on hide. I was warned by several friends that hair-on hide stools weren't as good as they seem as the hair will all rub off. I went ahead and did it anyway....I still have enough hide I can recover when it all rubs off. So here is the finished product of my cowhide bar stools.

And a project for the rest of my hide?......Can I master this one? Thoughts?


  1. Ooo, love it! And you can totally do the mirror. Go for it girl!


  2. Wow!! Those look great! Good job.

    And you best be doing that mirror. You'll rock it.


  3. The mirror is awesome! We're getting a cow hide tanned right now and I can't wait to get it back!


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