Soul Food Friday [March 2013]

Welcome to Soul Food Friday! I will host a link up the 4th Friday of the month to which I am quite sure I will be the only one for quite a while, but maybe, just maybe others will want to share what sets them on fire. Anything that motivates you, speaks to you or generally gets you excited about life.....share it at Soul Food Friday! (get your badge at the bottom of my page :))

Link up and make sure to visit other links to see what feeds our blogging friends souls.

My Soul Food..............

Via Pinterest

This picture just leaves me speechless. Speechless....not good for a blog right? But this picture really is worth a thousand words....maybe more. 


  1. Great picture! And great link up--I love it!


  2. That picture totally tugs at my heart strings!

  3. Love it! It is a very moving picture. Email me at the end of next month to remind me, and I'll definitely do something to link up.


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