30th birthday weekend recap.....part II

Just in case you missed them,  you can read about my fears of turning 30 here and you can read about Day 1 of 30 here.

PAUSE: And a forgotten photo from Day 1, one that really shows my age and maturity.


PLAY: Day 2 brought us small town girls hitting the town with our wallets and doing some shopping. I did really good and didn't spend too much money.....thank you gift cards! Then we were off to Texas Roadhouse to eat my daily caloric intake in one sitting......and it was awesome. Think fried pickles, bloomin' onion, house salad with ranch, warm buttery rolls with cinnamon butter, medium-rare ribeye with loaded baked potato topped off with a blue dolphin (H2O). A day of snowboarding and a night of cards might have caught up with the old lady! Then the nice folks at TR sang to me and gave me an ice cream sundae!

YEE-HAW! Its my birthday! Photo complements of Little Sister

Then we headed into the City for main attraction......Micky & the Motorcars and Reckless Kelly. I will say that they ROCKED! However, the venue, which happens to be called In the Venue left much to be desired and my homesickness for Stillwater was running rampant! In the Venue had a line of ticket holders that stretched for about 2 blocks to enter through 1 door. Doors opened at about 8:15 for a concert that began at 8:30 so thanks to this excellent planning, even though we were there early, we missed about 3/4 of Micky & the Motorcars (luckily we could still hear them outside). Once inside, we were packed in like sardines and couldn't hardly move. As we pushed and shoved (yes I was one of those people) our way to the bathroom, even blowing by the bar......only to find 2 bathroom stalls in the girls bathroom.....yes I said 2! Now that I'm 30, I decided it was appropriate to leave a less than stellar online review for the place and then tell everyone I know how bad this place is....hahahaha.

Despite the less than ideal facility, we had a great time at the concert! And now my pictures to prove it............

Someone might not know how to operate her camera phone :)

Ok, so I didn't do so well in the picture department, but I'll tell you what I was stressed by this place! My hotel roommates and I partook in some late night snacks and blue dolphins before bed. Then up for some free breakfast before I had to say goodbye to OKTrailerPark Friend and Mr. OKTrailerPark Friend. Drive safe and thank you so much for coming to celebrate with me!


  1. First off, love the cooler. I have a similar picture from my uncle's post-funeral party (yep, we do that) and I think it's awesome. Second off, shame on them for making you miss half the concert. I'd have done a lot more than bad review!



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