You've got mail

My friend Football Fan over at Figuring Out the Plot had gotten this from a friend on Facebook, but she recreated hers on her blog to which I was the 5th comment (so I get a prize sometime this year!) and I get to pay it forward! And lets be honest....who doesn't love getting real live mail that isn't a bill so lets blow up my email with comments today!

2013 Inspirational Pay It Forward:  The first five people to comment on this status & re-post, will receive in the next calendar year, an "inspirational" gift or surprise from never know what you will get! If you're 1 of my 5 lucky friends, I'll need your address if I don't already have. The catch is that you have to be willing to post on your page and do the same for others (creative, inspirational (like me) or whatever is authentically you)! Let the posting begin!

I've been in the crafting mood lately and I'm addicted to Pinterest so I'm pretty sure that you will get something way cool from me! Click here if you want to stalk follow me on Pinterest.

Here is a little recap of some of my most recently finished crafty projects......your pay it forward gift could be next!



  1. I guess I get to be #1! Whooopppeeeee! Can't wait to Pay it Forward! :)

  2. Woo hoo!! I'm so excited about this! Cannot wait!


  3. Yay! I'm number three. :) Fun game.


  4. Well why not join in the fun! Count me in! ~Erin

  5. I'm here to blow up your email! I don't have a page to post to though.

  6. B Ry shouldn't count at he gets graced with your presence on a DAILY basis!!! That should be his gift!!!!


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