What to do with my life?

After a week filled with sad and negative events, I once again began to question my life path. Where am I going? Am I being who I am supposed to be? Am I doing enough to help others? As I was stalking  reading other people's blogs yesterday, I found a post on the you version bible app for smartphones. Now I am one of those "weirdos" who bypassed the iPhone for the droid (which I love and would make the same choice again and again and again!), but I always wonder if they have that app for droid. Droid has it and its free! which is good because I don't even know how to pay for an app because I like free stuff.

Anyway, through the you version Bible app you can sign up for various reading plans, which I did. I just started the ReThink Life: 40 Day Devotional. Not only will it get me to reading God's Word, but also will get me to thinking about different aspects of my life to make sure that I am making the most of the life that God as given me.

Some of my favorite thoughts/devotionals from the first 10 days of the program are (don't worry, I wont write the whole thing so this won't spoil it for those who want to download the app and take the ReThink Life devotional):

Day1: He is the "the way, the truth and the life" .....Don't be afraid to begin this journey.

Day2: Life is like a railroad track with 2 rails. You have something good going and something bad going on at the same time.

Day3: Our culture constantly bombards us with the thought that we need what we do not have and that we never have enough.

Day4: Unseen things like faith, hope and love are the things that are eternal and the only things that have true value in this life.

Day5: The lives we live will begin to challenge the norm!

Day6: God thinks of me as his "masterpiece" and He has great plans and purposes for my life even today.

Day7: Help me walk in confidence today remembering and knowing that I am a person of worth.

Day8: God's love, grace and forgiveness towards us is something that is hard to wrap our minds around. Sometimes our past begins to haunt us and we feel there is no way God can forgive us.

Day9: Do you ever feel discouraged or defeated.....?

Day10: There are times throughout our lives when we don't feel like we measure up to other's expectations or maybe we have been hurt so much by someone that we feel unloveable, but God sees us in a completely different way.

So I'm now on Day 30......so I wrote this post a while ago and never got it actually published. I still recommend this devotional series! Check it out!


  1. This sounds great, Jen! I'm excited to hear what you have learned and where you go from here! :)



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