Work disguised as vacation

I'm packing up on Sunday and I'm headed to Montana for a farm loan training for real estate appraisal authority. In case you didn't know I work for the US Department of Agriculture - Farm Service Agency on the farm programs side.  Apparently, someone (and I guess I'll admit, myself too) thought I didn't have enough to do administering farm programs to 2 counties, so I signed up for the Farm Loan Officer Training (FLOT) program. Perks include working with my super fun trainer, being stressed to the max at times and ..........going to Montana for a week. Unfortunately a bigger paycheck is not a perk, that's right folks sometimes I work for free.

I am headed out on Sunday for a drive to Billings. Now since I will be traveling on Sunday, I decided that the route through the Park (that is what us Wyoming folks call Yellowstone....I'll have to ask if that is what they call it in MT too). I'll be staying the night in Cody, WY before heading into Billings. After a week of training...and hopefully some golf, I'll take a more direct route home and stop off in Thermopolis, WY for an overnight before making it back in time to pack up the camping stuff and head to Bear Lake for the weekend where we have boating and glo-in-the-dark golf tournament (which they moved to Thursday so I can't golf....don't they know I have a Dirty 30 list that needs some check marks? com'on guys!!! work with me here!) on the agenda.

Hopefully, once I return I'll have some 'place of employment' blogs....however, knowing me I'll probably have them disguised as vacation, the Park, gunfights re-enactments, Cody night rodeo, golf, walking brewery tour, golf, hot springs.....cleverly disguised, if I do say so myself. Most importantly, I hope I can report that I passed all my tests!

One of my big fears about blogging has come true recently....I don't seem to have anything worth writing about. Some of you noticed that I took a week off as "life caught up with me and interrupted my blogging schedule" and there is a good chance I will take Montana week off....hopefully get some writing done and get back on track.

Don't forget we have Soul Food Friday link up tomorrow right here at Almost Gypsy Soul. Come back, linkup and share what feeds your soul!


  1. I'm so excited about photos from The be sure to take some! :) I have a hard time with things to write about sometimes too. Which is why sometimes you just see quotes and I'm so glad that I have various series that I just keep on doing!


  2. Dang it! I already did my post for tomorrow, so I'll just have to link up next month. When I lived in Bozeman, we just called it Yellowstone. But I think the closer you get to the Park, they just call it "the Park" as well.

    I love that while reading this, I knew exactly where you'd be driving, what roads you'll take, and am familiar with the whole area :)

    And God bless you for wanting to be a farm loan officer for FSA. I'm sure you'll be nicer than ours that we work with...our farm programs lady is great to work with, but the loan guy sucks. Promise to be nice and have a personality with your farmers!!


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