Soul food Friday: [April 2013] California girls - part 5 [orfila winery]

So to get 2 birds with 1 blog, I'm combining the last part of California Girls with Soul Food Friday.Soul Food Friday is the linkup I will host on the 4th Friday of the month to which I was pleasantly surprised to have 2 linkers for the very first edition! So join the fun, tell us what feeds your soul! Anything that motivates you, speaks to you or generally gets you excited about life.....share it at Soul Food Friday! (get your badge at the bottom of my page :))

My Soul Food is


California Mom, California Sister, California Girl and I jumped into the Mercedes Benz and met California Aunt down at Orfila Winery near Escondido, CA. What a beautiful place! We took a free tour of the 74 acre winery, drank wine on the patio, ate bread and cheese and no visit would be complete without meeting the Head Winer (not to be confused with whiner, I mean who would whine about that job) Ok, so they are actually called vintner but I personally like Head Winer. This is the view off the patio, overlooking the Syrah grapes, just starting to grow for the year.

So I went a little crazy with the PicMonkey so bare with me through the variations of the same picture, but I just want to feel like I'm creative and artistic (even when I'm not).

My little CA Adventure re-energized me, got my attitude in a better place and generally made me appreciate all the things I have in life in general.


  1. Some day I WILL visit wine country...I want to SO bad!


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