California vacation

I'm Back!  and I know you all missed me like crazy!

Remember those shirts that proudly proclaimed the level of unluckiness back in the day? Those ones that said "My so'n'so went to _______ and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" Well, I went on vacation and no one even got a lousy t-shirt.

I did however have an awesome time in California, both San Fransisco and Huntington Beach. My week was filled with lots of action and I'll list 'em out for you so you know what you have to look forward in my little vacation series that will be coming up....maybe next week, yep that will be my goal. Gotta ease back into this work thing first.

In San Fransisco I was a busy girl. I didn't do to well on the list of resturants that Football Fan gave me, but I didn't have a single thing that wasn't absolutely amazing! I was so busy that when I needed to eat, I needed to eat and I didn't always feel like trying to locate one of the amazing recommendations.....I gotta be a better planner next time! Anyway, San Fran......Alcatraz, meetings, crab mac 'n cheese, biking 20 miles with a real mountain biker.

Huntington Beach, I was even busier and the food was absolutely to die for here as well. I don't know how Californians stay so skinny with all this delicious food! (maybe its the insane amount of walking?) Don't tell, but I ate In N Out Burger.....TWICE! Other than eating we did the beach, kickball tournament, shopping, wine tasting, pool sitting, hiking, dog walking and some boozing.

I had a great time and a much needed break from my real life. I can't wait to share some pictures of my adventures with you so stay tuned for California!


  1. Mmm, In 'n' Out. So good....

    It sounds like you had a fabulous trip - you certainly stayed busy!!


  2. SO jealous of the In N Out! I'm drooling!!


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