California girls - part 3 [Golden Gate Bridge]

After getting out of the meetings on Saturday, I was planning on renting a bike and heading across the Golden Gate Bridge, pedal style. After trying to convince a few fellow NASCOE'ers to go with me I was resigned to the fact that I would be pedaling alone. Then Brandon decided that he would like to go too, if I would wait for yeah! way better than going alone! As we were walking down to the bike rental place on the Wharf, I find out he is actually a legit mountain biker.....crap.

20 miles later....double crap. We had a great trip across the bridge and down to Sausalito, CA, a cute little bayside town. We fueled up with some ice cream and a little stroll around town before heading back across the bridge. The bridge was very busy and very windy so we didn't really stop on the bridge, plus the bicycle side of it was the ocean side and just wasn't THE picture.

Of course this is the only way that I experienced the Golden Gate Bridge, but in my expert opinion, the BEST way to see the bridge. Of course, there is also the option to bike over to Sausalito and take the ferry back to Fisherman's Wharf. I do feel quite accomplished by biking 20 miles though, plus it was a good stretch of the legs after sitting in meetings for 2 days, plus eating an obscene amount of carbs while in San Fran.....have you ever had that sourdough bread that lurks in every single San Fran restaurant I stepped foot in!?

Its a toss up to which was my favorite activity, Alcatraz or the Golden Gate, both were amazing and I hope if you ever make it to San Fran you will take time to do both!


  1. So glad you did this! I loved it when we did it! Of course, I was lazy and after the ice cream, I rode the ferry back. :)



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