HomeMade: laundry room

You can read about my first house here. The laundry room was pretty much the last priority on the list, but when Momma came up to help finish up a few projects, we got this one tackled on a whim. I had gotten an extra cabinet from when we remodeled my kitchen because they sent the wrong color. Because my laundry room is on the smaller side, I needed some extra room to fold my laundry.

I already had my washer and dryer so that saved me a lot of money. I completed this room for about $200 (most of this was carpet). I had to use the carpet because the concrete floor had settled and was too uneven for tile or laminate.

Here is my new and improved laundry room!

If anyone wants to come try it out it seems as I always have an overflowing laundry shoot!


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