#30.2: How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton world

The art of living with style, class and grace.

I feel like if you truly have Hepburn tendencies this book is pretty common sense however, its always a good reminder of how we should be acting. Especially in a world that is very much Hilton all around us, its easy to forget Hepburn and fall into line with the Hilton world.

A few of my favorite quotes and ideas from the book to get you hooked....

Don't rely on somone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. I often struggle with this. Every year or so I feel the tugging to shake everything up, new job, new location, new priorities etc.

The next time we're confronted with a sticky situation, we need to ask ourselves - is this really what I want to be remembered for? Is this what I want my kids to remember me for? My parents? My grandchildren? With the internet and accessibility of information, we need to be even more conscious of this. Mistakes find it much easier to follow us for years and years on the internet.

it doesn't matter how busy they are or whom they're with - they'll find a way to call the girl they like. Don't make excuses for them, they are very clear if they are interested or not. If a guy likes you, he will let you know. End of story. Until that happens, you can go on being your classy, witty and amazing self. I fall off the classy, witty, amazing wagon often.....I need to work on that!



  1. Sounds like it has some great advice! I'll have to add it to my ever-growing list of books...hahaha. Have a good weekend!

  2. I loved this book so much!! All great ideas. All things I totally struggle with. It's hard to be a Hepburn!


  3. I LOVE THIS BOOK! I love it so much that I’ve actually added an online book club to my blog just to inspire more people to read this book… it’s amazing! If you’re interested in reading along and getting with the conversation, you can join us here: www.weartostandout.com/blog/how-to-be-a-hepburn-in-a-hilton-world and tell us what you think! xoxo, WearToStandOut


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