Gettin' on the bandwagon

I am from Colorado and I now live in Wyoming, so by all stretches of the imigination I should be a hard core Broncos fan. BUT, I'm not. Sure, I'll spend an afternoon on the couch watching the Donkeys, but my life doesn't stop for the games, I don't yell at the TV and I don't get depressed if they lose. Wyoming adopts Colorado and Utah pro sports teams because we don't have any.....Broncos, Nuggets, Jazz, Rockies, get the idea.

The Broncos have made the play-offs and Denver is going to be CRAZY this weekend.

And even though I'm not the die-hard, I could totally get on the bandwagon to take part in a way cool photo like this one taken at Loveland Ski Area!

And last but not least, I am qualified to jump on the bandwagon the week of playoffs because I am an Oklahoma State and orange.....I'm on the bandwagon. GO BRONCOS!


  1. Yeah, will be interesting to see just how CRAZY Denver is this weekend! GO BRONCOS! :)

    P.S. Thinking of you today, friend.


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