Angels above us

Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money
Or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished, for one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl
Then I'd unplug the telephone
And keep the TV off
I'd hold you every second
Say a million I love you's
That's what I'd do, with one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

Leave me wishing still, for one more day
Leave me wishing still, for one more day

Well, in the past year  we've said goodbye to four great people on my mom's side of the family. Our family has come together to laugh, cry, ask why, remember and honor more times than one would like over the course of a year.  With each passing month it gets a little bit harder to remember the small details of each relationship, but the angels above us will never be forgotten. Please pray for all families who have lost loved ones, may we all find peace and comfort.

We lost Uncle Larry on Sunday and will be saying goodbye to him on Friday. He has had his struggles, but remained a strong family man. He always made it to our family get togethers and always had a good teasing for us nieces and nephews (I think he came by that honestly from Grandpa). I hope heaven is ready for the Maucks they have received this year.....I guarantee you everyday is April Fools Day up there now. Please pray especially for the Mauck family this week as we lay another one to rest. RIP Uncle Larry.

We lost another great man this week, who isn't family by blood, but we count him as family anyway. A man who was never supposed to die. He hit a horse in his semi and made it through, his grain trailer broke in half and he made it through. He is Roy "the little varmint", he made sure the little kids at Southside were supplied with candy and he made sure us big kids were supplied with Miller Lights. He is my dad's best friend and we are going to miss him too. RIP Roy Marsh. 

Wishing still, for one more day. 


  1. I really hope Roy knows just how many people considered him family. Napa won't be the same without him. SS won't be the same without him. I'm really going to miss Jason getting him really riled up about something that made him mad. Cuz when he got riled up he added an L to a word and it sounded like this. "What the fulk man, what the fulk?!?!" If Napa didn't sell it, you didn't need it. Just look at how he cooled his house. His is the only one with a shop cooler attached to the side of the house. A shop cooler, not a swamp cooler! Skirted and everything! We love you, Roy!!!

  2. Oh, Jen. I'm so sorry. It's never easy to say goodbye to people who you love like that. I'll be praying for you all.



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