it's a wrap: 2016 goals
Checking in again, halfway there on those 2016 goals. If you missed the story behind those goals, click here and here and here and here when I checked in at the end of each quarter. 1. GET A HOBBY - Let's be honest, I can't really afford many more hobbies. The upside of having a lot of hobbies, there is always room to devote more time and attention to said hobbies (especially since I have several "new" hobbies, less than 3 years old. In 2016 I will: take 3 mountain bike trips Memorial Day mountain biking in Fruita with Tyler, Jennie, Will and Melody Labor Day weekend at WYDAHO Mountain Bike Festival at Grand Targhee Fall mountain biking in Fruita with Tyler, Jennie, Dane, Kelley, Schwan, Stevie Jo, Brent, Jim and Cari take 2 golf trips Birthday Golf with the Retired Guy at Rolling Green Country Club 3rd Annual Shank-o-poto-mus at Fossil Island 2. DO SOMETHING THAT SCARES YOU - I'm a hermit and I don't like change, yet I ...