
I finally met the love of my life at the ripe old age of 33.... Wilson, a 1972 27' Airstream Overlander.
1972 Airstream Overlander, Wilson
Well, let me clarify, he WAS the love of my life....until we gutted him and found all his problems, which have me a little overwhelmed. I did one thing right before acquiring Wilson, I hired The Retired Guy to be my project manager. The pay is terrible, but when you get to be a part of something so great as Wilson apparently that becomes a minor detail. Music Man was also hired as the Assistant Project Manager. With their help, I'm sure I will love Wilson again!

Here's what we had to work with when Wilson arrived to the 307.
Living/Dining area from door

Kitchen - door side
Kitchen - opposite side

Bedroom looking out back of trailer

View of living/dining/kitchen from bedroom

 Where are we now? Gutted Anxiety. and Xanax. That is where we are.

I shall call this one "gutted anxiety"
My interest lies in building and decorating...which I've been working on a lot. I have a floorplan (not to scale) and an inspiration design board, of which I'd love to share, but am going to refrain from. Stay tuned to see the transformation of Wilson!


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