Uncork & Un-Wined

Girlfriends, wine and fruit country of Palisade, CO and our bikes....what more could a girl ask for you might ask. Well in our case sunshine would have been nice.

We found a weekend we could all get away to Palisade to bike the vineyards and we were off. Mother Nature was off too and it rained all weekend. Luckily we were traveling with awesome girls and we just made the best of it. We still visited wineries and checked out some local hotspots. We had a good time and darted to some of the closer vineyards in between rainstorms. So although we didn't make the route on our bikes....I'm counting it because I'm not sure when we will all be able to make it back. Plus my biked liked its new Dakine tailgate pad and I actually unloaded my bike in Palisade so it totally counts.

And our shirts were a HIT. I even brought home orders for others....I should start a business.


  1. 1. Didn't know there was a Colorado Wine Country! How fun!
    2. What an awesome girls trip idea.
    3. LOVE the shirts.
    4. You look insanely skinny!


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