the barn by bryan [October 2014]

Do you ever find yourself saying, “Oh, yeah, I can do that”, or “I’m all over that”? I do and I did. I took Jen’s “Couch to 10k” challenge. Ok, maybe there was no challenge. But... That’s what I did and I will just tell you this, it’s not a good idea. I didn’t leave said couch the rest of the day after said 10k, I was wrecked. It did, however, give me some time to think about the next song list for this awesome blog, or at least songs, they maybe random and scattered, but my head is still in a fog.

It Ain’t the Whiskey, Gary Allan
The Boys of Fall, Kenny Chesney
Until I Met You, Sundy Best
Broken Window Serenade, Whiskey Myers
Forever, Aaron Lewis 



  1. Excellent list. Ugh. I have a 6 mile training run this weekend. My feet already hurt.


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