20 questions

A Desert Girl recently posted this on her blog, and I decided to follow suit because these posts are fun. Plus you will see at the end, she practically begged me to copy her post!

20 Questions 
1. Favorite food
Oh man, do I love food! Do I just have to pick one? Carne Tapitia from El Vaq in Stillwater America will have to be the winner.

2. Flip Flops or High Heels
I don't really think anyone that knows me even a little bit actually needs me to write this in black and white.

3. Favorite place to shop for yourself
6pm.com or REI

4. Standard coffee order
Large McDonalds 1 cream, 1 shot of vanilla

5. Road trip must have snack
cinnamon bears! yum!

6. DIY or Hire it out
MY DIY usually turns into a hire or buy.....so both?

7. Top 5 TV shows
Madam Secretary, Big Bang Theory, Nashville, Biggest Loser, Sons of Anarchy (rest in peace)

8. Favorite Book
I don't really have an all-time favorite book. I love me a good mystery story though!

9. Favorite form of exercise
Something that doesn't seem like exercise! Mountain biking, skiing, hiking, snowboarding

10. How tall are you
6 foot

11. Do you try something new at a restaurant or stick to favorites
Favorites, change is my enemy! What if I order something different and it isn't as good as my favorite...wasted dining money!

12. One make up item you can’t live without
Mascara....a few seconds and makes a huge difference

13. What’s on your nightstand
cell phone and charger, 9mm Sig, Scentsy and my latest read

14. What’s one thing that motherhood has taught you
Not a mother unless you count my furry kid in which case discipline, manners and love are all equally important.

15. Music that reminds you of high school
Garth....it was the 90s.

16. If you could live anywhere in the world besides your current city, where would you live?
A little mountain town in a house with a covered porch and a fireplace.

17. Tell us something we might not know

 I was the Army/Athlete of the Year Female winner for 2 years in high school and Tom was the male winner the same 2 years

18. Website you read/browse besides blogs
Facebook, work notices, Pinterest

19. Morning person or night owl
Morning....but not to early and with coffee!

20. What’s your best feature
Right now, I think its probably muscles...as in I've finally lost enough fat that said muscles sometimes peek out.

Answer a question or two for yourself in the comments!  Or do this as a post and link to it so I can read your responses. See she begged me to do this post!


  1. If I was 6' tall I would skip heels too. Also good call on counting skiing as a form of exercise!


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