
Showing posts from January, 2015

the end and the beginning [12 days of summer edition 12]

It all started last year when the government shutdown for nearly 2 weeks. I would sit around watching the news all day and just get even more depressed about not being able to go to work. So I loaded up and went to Logan to hang out with Little Sister. We hiked for fall colors, we were slightly late and ended up in the snow so we decided that we would go a couple of weeks earlier this year. So this is how we welcomed fall and said good-bye to summer. It looked like fall and felt like summer. We hiked Jardine Juniper, a 5+ mile hike to a very large juniper tree that is over 1500 years old. A girl and her dog, on the way up These colors make all that is wrong, right. We made it! Both old ladies made it to the end of the trail Mom! Its hot out here. Are you sure it's fall? Just a few miles left Getting rejuvenated for the finale miles And I saw a moose on my way home!  Although I'm a little sad to see summer go, I just didn't get enough...

get fit in february

So I heard about Diet Bet when I was invited to a game before I was really ready to lose weight. As I've struggled to stay on task, eye on the prize, I've been thinking about it more and more. And....drumroll please.....I'm going to host a Diet Bet in February! Why February you ask....well because I'm going on vacation and I don't want to give everyone else a head start on me! I'm going to do the Kickstart Challenge which is only 4 short weeks! Anyone can do that! Each player will put in $35 to play. Why $35 you ask....well because players are 30% more likely to win if they bet at least $35! At the end of 4 weeks, each player who has lost at least 4% of their beginning weight wins and splits the pot! So grab your friends, tell them to join because we want a big pot to win!!!! Message me on Facebook, email me or leave me a comment here if you are interested in joining the Diet Bet. Click here to diet bet! Get fit in February with me!!!!!

you know you are a big kid when......[12 days of summer edition 11]

the highlight of your summer is getting a new sprinkler system, a deck, central air and some grass planted so there aren't puppy paw prints all over this house in the fall. And so any headway that I made on that ole' savings goa l I set a while back....well it can be viewed in my backyard from a cool house and probably doesn't really count as a checkmark. Work got in the way of my summer in a big way this year. I did manage (with lots of help and cash outlays) to get the sprinkler system, air conditioner and a deck installed. Up for next summer is planting grass and finishing the steps for the deck (assuming that I don't get them done this fall)....which I didn't. Even without the stairs, I'm sure enjoying the new deck and I've got a plan for completing the backyard this summer! Stay tuned for final, final pictures!

i'm dreaming of.....

and it all becomes a reality on Saturday!

minute to win it

NASCOE is our employees association that I have recently became more involved with. WYASCOE is our state chapter of this national organization, and yours truly was tricked into becoming the president of WYASCOE this year. The actual tricking took place 2 years ago when they talked me into running for vice-president. FSA, my place of work, has been under severe budget constraints and cut backs over the last 5 or so years and any face-to-face training has been replaced by corny online presentations that are useless. BUT with 2014 Farm Bill and its many new programs, USDA managed to find some money to hold face-to-face trainings on the new programs. WYASCOE is voluntary membership and we always try to host a fun event when employees from all corners of the state convene in Casper for training. It normally consists of a cash bar, snick-snacks, and sitting around talking about work.....well we decided it was high time for a change! This year the night activity hosted by WYASCOE was Mi...

the barn by bryan [january 2015]

Hey, we made it through another year!! I have only one New Year’s Resolution this year and that is to actually enjoy the summer, instead of working all the time. So, in about 6 months or so, the boat will be on the water and so will I. What do you have planned for the New Year? So, to kick off your year is style here is your AGS play list. Cowboy Til I Die, Justin McBride Oh, Tonight, Josh Abbott Band Close Your Eyes, Parmalee Bobby Ann Mason, Rick Trevino Reno, Doug Supernaw Happy New Year!!! Enjoy!

In 2015

Last year I rolled over goals into the new year and some of them I still didn't accomplish, so I'm quitting. I'm a quitter. Well maybe only a partial quitter, some of those were really good goals and I still want to do them, so I'm putting them on my 2015 list. But some of them are going to be brand new because a person always needs to grow, to become better, or in some cases, maybe slow down a little bit. In 2015, I want to will: