
Showing posts from January, 2018

resolution-ing in 2018 [3]

connect with good people. Meeting people is college. As I "grew up" and left the college scene I found it increasingly harder to meet people. Maybe its because just meeting acquaintances and calling them friends no longer served me. Maybe I started to crave the quality over quantity. Anyway, its been a lot harder to meet people that I would call my tribe. So while I thought this was a great goal for me for 2018, I was dreading how difficult it could be to actually accomplish this, and then I realized I was in the box. Why can't I just think outside the box? Not everything is black and white all the time. And so to jump right into the gray area.....this week I connected with Ronda Rousey. You probably don't believe me, but I the gray area, even though there is nothing gray about her and her beliefs. "I have been booed in thirty countries. I have been booed following UFC victories. I'm more used to being booed by a crowd than...

resolution-ing in 2018 [2]

More writing and less checklist-ing is coming your way in 2018. learn new positive things. As I started brainstorming a few ideas of what these 4 short sentences might mean to me in 2018 and consequently what I could actually word-ize and put into a blog for you fine folks, I thought about what I wanted to learn in 2018. I want to learn life lessons. More specifically, I want to remember those lessons which we all know and I frequently forget. To a fault I see good in people, even when they probably don't deserve it. There is no such thing as a second chance with me.....its usually drawn out to fourth and fifth chances. Unless you are really awful, then you're cut off at 2. Sorry. Not sorry. So in order to relay my feelings on life lessons to you and to remind myself what I need to know to do this life thing, I hit the ole' Pinterest board. I want to be a lover of life with endless opportunities, endless experiences and just make sure I squeeze out every...

resolution-ing in 2018 [1]

And I give you Almost Gypsy Soul's 2018 goals: I'm growing tired of the checklist goals and while I attempted to not have a checklist last year it didn't pan out so well. I.e. I never wrote about any of it and I'm not real sure that I actually accomplished much of it to even begin to write about anyway. So we'll ignore 2017 like its old news and jump into 2018 with intention. Intent on growing, intent on purpose, intent on learning, intent on connecting! I'm not really sure where these guidelines are going to lead me in 2018, but it should be a ride.

[loving life] someday is right now

1.  Start doing the ‘someday’ things right now.  Every time you tell yourself that  someday  you’ll take horseback riding lessons or  someday  you’ll travel to Asia or  someday  you’ll start volunteering, you get further and further away from ever making it happen. Stop living through the ‘idea’ of something and start actually experiencing it, today. After high school I went to work at a little utopia called Waunita Hot Springs Ranch . One thing about Waunita in those days.....weeks came and went, but days stayed the same. And one of my very favorite days was Tuesday because it was Breakfast Ride day which mean breakfast cooked outside and John Nelson, cowboy poet would make his appearance. He has a poem called Someday and I absolutely LOVED it every Tuesday of my former life and I still LOVE it today. How many of us can relate to this poem? Raise your hand. And if you don't raise your hand, I'll wait until you go back a...