there are no out of state plates [edition 2]

Everyone goes to Maui in January for one main reason.....humpback whales! Whale watching is a must in fact we went 3 times and that isn't counting venturing out onto our balcony each morning to sit and drink our coffee.

1. Pacific Whale Foundation, Maalea Bay  - this trip was perfect for those that don't like the water or are a little iffy about venturing too far from land. We went on the 630 am trip, which I highly recommend because there aren't near as many people. There were approximately 50 people on our boat that usually holds upwards of 100. And I'm not sorry that I don't have any good whale pictures...I was too busy watching whales to attempt mediocre cell phone shots of the whales!

2. Captain Steve's Whale Watching, Lahina - yep go here....its on a motorized rubber raft and he zips around getting lots of close encounters. We had many, many whales approach our boat, swim under it and it was awesome! There were about 35 people on our mostly full boat!

So, in conclusion. Go to Maui and go whale watching. There will be more about our third whale watching trip later....because it had some other really cool stuff included with it!


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