The dog gets a paper route

My dog, Tylie is one of a kind. She is loved by all and loves most. Soon after we moved to Oklahoma, I found myself being introduced as Tylie's mom.....more than once. She helped me meet some of the best friends a girl could ask for. AND she buys me presents! Because she is quite generous with her presents, she had to get a paper route.

When I crossed off 30 lbs (forever) she thought I deserved a new pair of boots. She got them on sale and did a fine job picking them out. I love them and they glean complements every where we go.

And then I got super crazy and bought some jeggins to go with know those leggins that look like tights. This fashionista never thought she would own much less wear jeggins....they don't even have real pockets!


  1. OH. MY. GOSH! I LOVE THOSE? What details do you have on them?!?!?!

  2. Ahh! I am in love with these boots! In love!

  3. Tylie is so sweet! What a lovely reward for her mom's AWESOME accomplishment. :) The boots are super cute and I personally love jeggings. I'm certain you will too!!


  4. Love the boots!!! You definitely deserve them after hitting your weight loss goal!


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