[sweetwater leadership] business and services
I was accepted into the 2017 Sweetwater County Leadership class, which was pretty exciting since only 15 people get to take the class each year. The class consists of leadership classes, a class community project and visiting business and places that make Sweetwater County tick. The goal of the class is to give a broad overview of the County and encourage participants to step up and take a leadership role in the community. Its also a great way to get to know people throughout the community. Each month the class spends a day exploring a topic that is prepared by the previous graduating class. Topics include: 1. Business and Human Services 2. Health 3. Industry 4. Recreation 5. Government 6. Education Our first day was Business and Human Services. We had the opportunity to explore, behind the scenes, several services and business throughout the community. There are so many services that really aim to help fellow citizens including the Community Food Bank, the various...