always go to the meeting
because if you don't, you will get volunteered to host the next area rally. And no one will want to come to your town because you live in Rock Springs. And everyone wants to go to Jackson and you adamantly are opposed to hosting a multi-state meeting in Jackson because there is so much more to Wyoming than Jackson, damnit! So the biggest thing I've ever organized (and I'm not really that organized) in my life was a bridal shower, 4 hours tell me how did I get roped into hosting a 3 day event with food and meeting rooms and hotel contracts and group rate entertainment and transportation and sponsorships and meetings and the possibility of 70ish people.......crap. I used to be a big planner, but I'd get so upset when my plans didn't go according to plan so I tried to change and guess what!? I LIKED IT! Now I get the plane ticket and I get to the airport on time, but that is pretty much the extent of my planning. Sure, I surf the web to see what I might ...