Tylie's hair appointment

This is Tylie, she had her first hair appointment in her 8 years last week a few weeks ago. As you can see she is super excited about this.....well ok maybe excited isn't the correct word to use here. I tried to explain to her that she should be excited.....it wasn't just  a hair appointment it was more like going to the doggie spa!

"Mom, please, please don't make me go!"

I signed her up for a shampoo and brush out, nails, ears and teeth! She is going to be so shiny! and she'll smell like a flower.

Tylie wagged her butt (she doesn't have a tail really) so hard she almost fell off her paws when she was picked up from the "spa". She smelled so good, wasn't molting all over my house and now had a good excuse to roll in the dirt while I was at work (yes, that really happened grrrr!)

And to stamp in concrete the fact that doggie spa is worth every penny of $35, Little Sister's Boyfriend noticed as soon as she ran through the door that Willis had gotten a hair cut!


  1. How come there isn't an "after spa" pic?

    1. Willis thought that it would more appropriate to not get her picture taken because she thought that every time I pulled the camera out that meant she should lay down to get her tum-tum rubbed for not biting the hair dresser.

  2. Our babies had their "hair done" two weeks ago too, and they always prance around afterwards showing off their new haircut. It's too cute!

    1. haha, I love that! I wish my dog pranced around that would be awesome!

  3. Ahh, that before picture is so cute. It's very "MOM! What did I do to deserve this cruel treatment??"

    I bet she looked and felt lovely!



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