#21.5: Letters to a Soldier - rise & shine

"I can rise and shine, but not at the same time" ~ Maxine

but hopefully this little care package will give my adopted soldiers a shot at rising and shining at the same time! 

 The rise and shine package included some yummy Dunkin' Donuts coffee for those days where there is time for real coffee, some on the go Folgers singles for those days where there isn't time for a cup of Joe, lots of breakfast snacks like poptarts, oatmeal and donut sticks. All these treats will be after Morning Burst face wash, given the teeth a good brushing and a shave. Any no care package would be  complete without some homemade cookies....oatmeal of course because after all it is a "breakfast" theme.

And to top off my week, I got a little shoutout on the Facebook from my second adopted soldier.

Thanks jennifer dutton for the care package. It always feels good to know people still care. God bless and thanks again.


  1. How sweet of you! What a great thing to do for those guys. I know they appreciate it to no end.

  2. What a great package idea! You are awesome! I know that they loved it!



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