It's God's country

When I moved there it was so hot I was fairly certain it wasn't God's Country, but everywhere I went I heard "Welcome to God's Country" by the time I graduated and it was time to leave, I was sad to leave God's Country.

Even when we start to question how and why horrible things such as the huge tornado that hit Moore Oklahoma this week, God is there and there is not a doubt in my mind that God is in Oklahoma, the day the tornado hit, the weeks of recovery and reconstruction and until the end of time.

As I watch the news and look at pictures from Oklahoma, I can't help but think back to 1990 when I had just recently finished 1st grade. It was June 6, 1990, my parents had dropped us off at Lynn and Lisa's so they could go celebrate Dad's birthday. When we came out from the crawlspace, scenes that I see on the tv were before my very eyes. Luckily, in the Limon tornado, fairly new warning sirens were credited with saving many lives, giving people time to take cover. Just as my hometown recovered and moved forward, Oklahoma will pull together and come through this, but not without many tears and prayers.

When I lived in Tennessee, there was a series of deadly tornadoes that passed through the state. I instantly volunteered to help with clean-up. I learned more about the good of people that is still out there in the world that day than I had in a long time.  When we arrived there were 7 zones set up and each volunteer was assigned to a zone. With all the people there was tons of progress made in just one day. The family whose house I helped at was so thankful, the dad had tears in his eyes, partly from exhaustion, partly from the sheer amount of gratitude he felt towards the volunteers, partly from the amount of love and caring he felt coming towards him. The couch on the third picture is where he weathered the storm, with his kids underneath him. He was one of the lucky ones.

 If you can, donate money, food, clothes, toys, time, a place to lay their head,  blood, anything you can give to the victims but most of all donate your prayers to Oklahoma. May Oklahoma and our whole Nation have strength, mercy, comfort and peace during this difficult and scary time.



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