Painting with a twist

I've seen several of my friends post pictures from their adventures of painting at various bachelorette parties and bridal showers. I was amazed that I don't have one single friend who isn't an accomplished artist!

When Colorado Transplant Friend told me about the Arts Council's plan to bring Painting with a Twist to Green River I said to count me in! They chose Starry Tree for our masterpiece. When i showed up I was very disappointed to see a blank canvas staring back at me......and I mean blank! What the crap?! Where is my paint by number.....mine will never look like the "example"

Here you can see the progression of my masterpiece....I think the most important thing is to finish the step and then put down the paint brush....anything I tried to "fix" yeah, that wasn't a good idea!

On the left is the "professional painting" on the right is "the most professional painting" (that is mine in case you are confused).


  1. Haha! I love this! It looks like a lot of fun. I am convinced, however, that my finished product would look like abstract art.

    Yours turned out great!


  2. It looks really good! I've never done one of these either, but they do look like fun!

  3. You do have one friend who cannot paint. Me. You are welcome. I love your painting! It looks so great!



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