get fit in february

So I heard about Diet Bet when I was invited to a game before I was really ready to lose weight. As I've struggled to stay on task, eye on the prize, I've been thinking about it more and more. And....drumroll please.....I'm going to host a Diet Bet in February! Why February you ask....well because I'm going on vacation and I don't want to give everyone else a head start on me!

I'm going to do the Kickstart Challenge which is only 4 short weeks! Anyone can do that! Each player will put in $35 to play. Why $35 you ask....well because players are 30% more likely to win if they bet at least $35! At the end of 4 weeks, each player who has lost at least 4% of their beginning weight wins and splits the pot!

So grab your friends, tell them to join because we want a big pot to win!!!!

Message me on Facebook, email me or leave me a comment here if you are interested in joining the Diet Bet. Click here to diet bet!

Get fit in February with me!!!!!


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